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PROGRAM: WizUnzip.c
PURPOSE: Windows Info-ZIP Unzip, an Unzipper for Windows
WinMain() - calls initialization function, processes message loop
WizUnzipInit() - initializes window data and registers window
WizUnzipWndProc() - processes messages
About() - processes messages for "About" dialog box
AUTHOR: Robert A. Heath, 157 Chartwell Rd. Columbia, SC 29210
I place this source module, WizUnzip.c, in the public domain. Use it as you will.
#include <sys\types.h>
#include <sys\stat.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h> /* required for all Windows applications */
#include <assert.h>
#include "wizunzip.h" /* specific to this program */
#define MAXLISTBOXLINES 200 /* max records in list box */
static char FIRSTUSE[] = "FirstUse"; /* first use keyword in WIN.INI */
char FORMAT_KEY[] = "Format"; /* Format keyword in WIN.INI */
char OVERWRITE_KEY[] = "Overwrite"; /* Overwrite keyword in WIN.INI */
char TRANSLATE_KEY[] = "Translate"; /* Translate keyword in WIN.INI */
char LBSELECTION_KEY[] = "LBSelection"; /* LBSelection keyword in WIN.INI */
char RECREATE_DIRS_KEY[] = "Re-createDirs"; /* re-create directory structure WIN.INI keyword */
char UNZIP_TO_ZIP_DIR_KEY[] = "UnzipToZipDir"; /* unzip to .ZIP dir WIN.INI keyword */
/* Values for listbox selection WIN.INI keyword
char *LBSelectionTable[] = {
"extract", "display", "test"
#define LBSELECTIONTABLE_ENTRIES (sizeof(LBSelectionTable)/sizeof(char *))
HANDLE hInst; /* current instance */
HMENU hMenu; /* main menu handle */
HANDLE hAccTable;
HANDLE hHourGlass; /* handle to hourglass cursor */
HANDLE hSaveCursor; /* current cursor handle */
HANDLE hHelpCursor; /* help cursor */
HANDLE hFixedFont; /* handle to fixed font */
HANDLE hOldFont; /* handle to old font */
int hFile; /* file handle */
HWND hMainWnd; /* the main window handle. */
HWND hWndHeaderLine1; /* list box header line 1 handle */
HWND hWndHeaderLine2; /* list box header line 1 handle */
HWND hWndList; /* list box handle */
HWND hWndTotalLine1; /* list box total line 1 handle */
HWND hWndTotalLine2; /* list box total line 2 handle */
HWND hWndStatus; /* status (a.k.a. Messages) window */
HWND hDlgAbout; /* handle to about box */
HWND hExtract; /* extract button */
HWND hDisplay; /*display button */
HWND hTest; /* test button */
HWND hShowComment; /* show comment button */
BOOL bHelp = FALSE; /* Shift-F1 has been struck when TRUE */
/* Global values defined by WIN.INI settings:
BOOL bRecreateDirs; /* re-create directory structures when TRUE */
BOOL bTranslate = FALSE; /* translate LF to CR-LF */
WORD wFormat = 0; /* display format: 0 = short, 1 = long */
BOOL bOverwrite = FALSE; /* overwrite or prompt: IDM_OVERWRITE, IDM_PROMPT */
BOOL bUnzipToZipDir = FALSE; /* unzip only to .ZIP directory */
WORD wLBSelection = IDM_LB_DISPLAY; /* default listbox selection action */
BOOL bStatusMaxed = FALSE; /* status box is maximized */
RECT Rect; /* dimension of the client window */
HWND hDlgHelp; /* Help dialog handler */
HBRUSH hBrush ; /* brush for standard window backgrounds */
/* File and Path Name variables
char szAppName[] = "WizUnzip"; /* application title */
char szStatusClass[] = "MsgWndw";/* status window class */
char szFileName[80] = ""; /* fully-qualified file name in OEM char set */
char szDirName[MAX_DIRNAME_LEN+1] = ""; /* resultant Directory Name */
char szOrigDirName[MAX_DIRNAME_LEN+1]; /* original directory name */
int ofretval; /* return value from initial open if filename given */
WORD TotalZippedFiles; /* total personal records in file */
WORD ListBoxLines; /* max list box lines showing on screen */
WORD MessageWinLines; /* max visible lines on message window */
WORD wCommentLength ; /* length of comment in .ZIP file */
/* Client window size factors:
#ifdef NEEDME
short nLBVscrollMax;
short nLBVscrollPos = 0;
short nLBVscrollInc; /* vertical scroll incr */
/* Forward References
long FAR PASCAL WizUnzipWndProc(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG);
FUNCTION: DoCaption(HWND hWnd, PSTR szOemFileName)
szFileName is OEM char set.
PURPOSE: Set new caption for main window
DoCaption(HWND hWnd, PSTR szOemFileName)
WORD wMenuState;
char szSimpleFileName[15]; /* just the 8.3 part in ANSI char set */
char szCaption[100];
PSTR pFileName; /* pointer to simple filename */
BOOL bIconic = IsIconic(hWnd); /* is window iconic ? */
/* point to simple filename in OEM char set */
if ((pFileName = strrchr(szOemFileName, '\\')) ||
(pFileName = strrchr(szOemFileName, ':')))
pFileName++; /* point to filename */
pFileName = szOemFileName;
OemToAnsi(pFileName, szSimpleFileName);
(void)wsprintf(szCaption, "%s - %s %s %s",
(LPSTR)(szSimpleFileName[0] ?
szSimpleFileName : "(No .ZIP file)"),
(LPSTR)(!bIconic && szOrigDirName[0] ? " - " : ""),
(LPSTR)(!bIconic ? szOrigDirName : ""));
SetWindowText(hWnd, (LPSTR)szCaption);
wMenuState = (WORD)(szSimpleFileName[0] ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED) ;
EnableMenuItem(hMenu, IDM_SELECT_ALL, wMenuState|MF_BYCOMMAND);
EnableMenuItem(hMenu, IDM_DESELECT_ALL, wMenuState|MF_BYCOMMAND);
PURPOSE: calls initialization function, processes message loop
This will initialize the window class if it is the first time this
application is run. It then creates the window, and processes the
message loop until a WM_QUIT message is received. It exits the
application by returning the value passed by the PostQuitMessage.
int PASCAL WinMain(hInstance, hPrevInstance, lpCmdLine, nCmdShow)
HANDLE hInstance; /* current instance */
HANDLE hPrevInstance; /* previous instance */
LPSTR lpCmdLine; /* command line */
int nCmdShow; /* show-window type (open/icon) */
HWND hWnd; /* window handle */
MSG msg; /* message */
int i; /* index into name */
OFSTRUCT OfStruct; /* open file structure */
char szBuffer[64]; /* option strings from WIN.INI */
if (!hPrevInstance) /* Has application been initialized? */
if (!WizUnzipInit(hInstance))
return (NULL); /* Exits if unable to initialize */
if (_fstrlen(lpCmdLine)) /* if filename passed on start-up */
if ((ofretval = OpenFile(lpCmdLine, &OfStruct, OF_EXIST)) >= 0)
strcpy(szFileName, OfStruct.szPathName); /* save file name */
/* Get initial Re-create dirs format
GetProfileString(szAppName, RECREATE_DIRS_KEY, "no", szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer));
bRecreateDirs = (BOOL)(!stricmp(szBuffer, "yes"));
/* Get translate flag
GetProfileString(szAppName, TRANSLATE_KEY, "no", szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer));
bTranslate = (BOOL)(!stricmp(szBuffer, "yes"));
/* Get initial display format: short or long
GetProfileString(szAppName, FORMAT_KEY, "long", szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer));
wFormat = (WORD)(!stricmp(szBuffer, "long") ? 1 : 0);
/* Get overwrite option: yes=IDM_OVERWRITE, no=IDM_PROMPT */
GetProfileString(szAppName, OVERWRITE_KEY, "no", szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer));
bOverwrite = (BOOL)(!stricmp(szBuffer, "yes"));
/* Get Unzip to .ZIP dir option: yes or no */
GetProfileString(szAppName, UNZIP_TO_ZIP_DIR_KEY, "no", szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer));
bUnzipToZipDir = (BOOL)(!stricmp(szBuffer, "yes"));
/* Get default listbox selection operation
GetProfileString(szAppName, LBSELECTION_KEY, "display",
szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer));
stricmp(LBSelectionTable[i], szBuffer) ; i++)
wLBSelection = IDM_LB_DISPLAY; /* assume default is to display */
wLBSelection = IDM_LB_EXTRACT + i;
hWnd = CreateWindow(szAppName, /* window class */
szAppName, /* window name */
WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, /* window style */
0, /* x position */
0, /* y position */
CW_USEDEFAULT, /* width */
0, /* height */
NULL, /* parent handle */
NULL, /* menu or child ID */
hInstance, /* instance */
NULL); /* additional info */
if (!hWnd) /* Was the window created? */
return (NULL);
hMainWnd = hWnd; /* globalize the main window */
/* On first usage, throw up About box, saying what WizUnzip is, etc.
GetProfileString(szAppName, FIRSTUSE, "yes",
szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer));
if (!stricmp(szBuffer, "yes"))
WriteProfileString(szAppName,FIRSTUSE, "no");
PostMessage(hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_ABOUT, 0L);
hHelpCursor = LoadCursor(hInstance,"HelpCursor");
ShowWindow(hWnd, nCmdShow); /* Shows the window */
UpdateWindow(hWnd); /* Sends WM_PAINT message */
while (GetMessage(&msg, /* message structure */
NULL, /* handle of window receiving the message */
NULL, /* lowest message to examine */
NULL)) /* highest message to examine */
if (!TranslateAccelerator(hWnd, hAccTable, &msg))
TranslateMessage(&msg); /* Translates virtual key codes */
DispatchMessage(&msg); /* Dispatches message to window */
return (msg.wParam); /* Returns the value from PostQuitMessage */